Vaping prescriptions in Queensland

From 1st October 2021, Australiaans now require a prescription to legally vape nicotine. For Queenslanders wanting help quitting smoking with vaping or current vapers, this means they will need a prescription from their GP or a medical service provider such as Help Me Stop

Who can be prescribed vapes in Queensland?

Vaping is classified as a second-line treatment for quitting smoking. So if you have tried to quit before using medication or nicotine replacement therapies (such as gums or patches) to be eligible for a vaping prescription. 

 If you’ve already succeeded in quitting smoking with the help of vaping, reach out to Help Me Stop or speak with your doctor about getting a prescription to ensure your nicotine vaping is legal.

Are nicotine vapes legal in Queensland?

In Brisbane, Queensland and throughout Australiaa vaping is only legal if you have a prescription from your doctor. Purchasing illicit under the counter nicotine vapes from tobacco stores or some online sources poses health risks as many products don’t meet government-set safety and quality standards.

Ordering nicotine vape liquid from online marketplaces is only legal if you have a prescription. If you choose to order vape products from international suppliers into Queensland it is recommended you request a copy of your prescription to be included in the package to avoid any penalties or fines. 

To avoid any penalties, fines or uncertainty about the safety of your vape, engaging with Help Me Stop or your doctor will ensure you receive a vape device and e-liquid that meets Australiaan standards. 

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How do I access nicotine vaping in Brisbane?

Whether you are located in Brisbane or outback QLD, you can easily access prescribed vaping through online consultations via Help Me Stop. Free virtual consults assess your eligibility for prescribed nicotine vaping.

You can choose a vape device appropriate for you if our medical professional approves your case. If approved, your vape and vape pods will be sent out directly.

Can vaping help me quit smoking?

Research shows vaping may assist people to abstain from smoking cigarettes with greater success than some other methods of quitting smoking. Vaping is still a new technology to help people quit smoking, for your safety and success in quitting being monitored by a medical professional can help you stop tobacco and eventually give up nicotine entirely.

Is vaping cheaper than smoking in Queensland?

Vaping not only reduces the cost to your hip pocket but also to exposure to harmful toxins from the combustion of tobacco products. A pack a day smoker will spend an average of $12,000 per year on tobacco or cigarettes. 

Whereas equivalent vaping costs, including device and refills, equate to approximately $1150, potential savings of more than $10,000! Not to mention the benefits to your health by quitting smoking tobacco

To transition to vaping you first need to purchase a device, Help Me Stop offers affordable, tested devices from $15-$50. Vape pod refills costs depend on how much you vape and can range from $5-9 per day for the average smoker.

Why Help Me Stop?

Our team of experienced doctors, pharmacists and healthcare professionals are committed to helping Australiaans quit smoking with the assistance of vaping when other efforts have failed them.

Our expert team have selected premium vaping devices and vape pod refills for performance and ease of use. Brands selected by Help Me Stop meet or exceed Australiaan standards and international guidelines for vaping quality.

If you’re ready to be rid of your tobacco habit, contact your GP or reach out to Help Me Stop to see how we can support you on your quit journey.

Help Me Stop in Australiaa Nicotine products