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From 1 October 2021, you must have a valid prescription from an Australiaan medical practitioner for all purchases of nicotine vaping products, such as nicotine e-cigarettes, nicotine pods and liquid nicotine. This includes products imported through the Personal Importation Scheme. There can be severe penalties for importing or possessing vaping products without a prescription, including fines of over $10,000 in some states, or even prison time. Help Me Stop doctors will assess your eligibility for a prescription following your virtual consultation and a prescription is written before you can make a purchase from our online store.

Medical practitioners can write a vape prescription . The decision to prescribe any medicine, including nicotine vaping products, is a decision made at the discretion of the individual doctor, having considered the risks and benefits in your particular circumstances. When you complete your virtual consultation at Help Me Stop, a doctor will review your case and as appropriate, write you a prescription for vaping products. Your prescription is sent to our affiliated pharmacy for dispensing and shipped to you by Express Post.

There are severe penalties for importing or possessing vaping devices and products without a prescription, including fines of over $10,000 in some states, or even prison time.

You still require a prescription to purchase via the Personal Import Scheme, and you are only permitted to import 3 months supply. If you decide to purchase from a retailer based overseas, be sure to buy from a reputable supplier who is able to meet the Australiaan TGO 110 quality standard. If you purchase a product via the prescription will be valid for 12 months and will be shipped from a local Australiaan pharmacy

You can legally purchase vaping devices, and non-nicotine containing vaping liquid without a prescription.

We are committed to providing convenient, reliable and legal access to smoking cessation products including prescription only vaping products, nicotine patches and gums.


It’s important to acknowledge there’s limited available evidence on the efficacy, safety or long-term health effects of nicotine vaping products. There are potential side effects associated with vaping. Long-term vaping and dual-use (smoking and vaping concurrently) is not recommended and should be avoided. Regular review and monitoring by your regular GP is advised along your smoking cessation journey.

Preliminary research shows vaping can be harmful to the lungs, heart and liver. There is also substantial evidence from animal research that e-cigarette use alters gene expression related to the circadian rhythm which controls sleep and wake cycles.

Although evidence is limited on the safety of vaping, Australiaa has standards and guidelines for legally prescribed vape products to ensure users receive vape devices and e-liquid that meet Australiaan manufacturing compliance benchmarks. Read more about the potential dangers of vaping here

Each individual reacts differently to inhaling aerosolised vape liquid. Some people may not experience any noticeable side effects, but that does not mean vaping is not adversely affecting the body’s physiological processes.

Common side effects include:

  • Coughing after vaping
  • Mouth or throat irritation from vaping
  • Headaches from vaping
  • Nausea

Other side effects that can be associated with vaping include:

  • Anxiety or irritability
  • Dizziness
  • Fatigue
  • Shortness of breath
  • Heart palpitations

It is important to notify your doctor if you experience side effects from vaping and consider alternatives that may support you in working towards a tobacco-free lifestyle. Here’s our in-depth guide to the potential side effects of vaping

No. Help Me Stop doctors will not approve a prescription for patients who are under 18 years of age.

No. Help Me Stop doctors will not approve a prescription if you have never smoked or vaped before. Our doctors are available to assist existing adult smokers or vapers who are seeking legal options to help manage their smoking and undergoing treatment for smoking cessation.


All scripts issued by HMS doctors are free as long as you place an order once we notify you that your script has been issued. We will initially charge $20 prior to your script being issued. This $20 will be credited against your first order with us and therefore your script is at no cost. If you choose to just obtain a script from HMS and place no orders via your personal portal, there is a $20 charge. Please note, all scripts generated are for the products we carry only.

A pack a day smoker can spend up to $50 a day. A patient using prescription vape can expect to pay less than $10 per day for a similar level of tobacco cigarette consumption.

Are vapes bad for you?

Despite the vaping laws changing in Australiaa in October 2021, illegal, non-prescription vapes are still available at many tobacconists across the country. Colourfully decorated and

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Side effects of vaping

E-cigarettes and vaping can cause side effects that may differ from person to person. Scientific understanding of how vaping affects the lungs, heart and other

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